Christy Pa. Wuisang: Texting 1D

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Texting 1D

-Hey babe xx -Sorry, who is this? -Haha you don’t remember, love? You met me last night at the club ;) -Right…not ringing a bell. -Ouch I’m hurt. How about I give you a clue xx -Um, okay? -I’ve got curly hair :) -Great that narrows it down SO much.. -I was in the VIP section -…cool. I wasn’t. -You sure about that, babe? -I was too? Fuck. -Don’t worry, we didn’t get that far ;) -…how about you tell me who you are so we can end this little textversation. -Harry Styles xx -Oh. Well have a nice life Harry Styles. -Wait, don’t you want to know what happened last night? -I’m sure my friends can fill me in. -Well, I just wanted to tell you that I had a really spectacular time with you last night and I hope I can see you again :) xxx -What’s with all the x’s and smileys? -I’ll stop if you don’t like it. -Stop texting me? That’d be great, thanks. Bye -No! You know what I mean :p -Seriously mate, what do you want from me? -I want to see you again -That’s highly unlikely -Why? -Well, you’re some famous boy band guy who probably hooks up with any girl that looks at him, and I’m not that easy…or desperate. -Oh, I know. That’s why I like you :) -You don’t even know me. -Give me a chance to then. I promise you won’t be disappointed ;) -Yeah, this cocky douche attitude won’t get you far -I’m sorry, please, give me a chance. -Why should I? -B/c honestly, you were the only girl I even saw last night. You’re the only one who wasn’t eyeing us up because we’re famous. You didn’t care. Also you have an air of confidence that’s absolutely breathtaking. And don’t even get me started on your caramel eyes :) -…um thanks? I don’t know what to say. -Say you’ll meet me for coffee. -Fine. 10:00 AM, Victoria Street. Tomorrow -Can’t wait, beautiful. xxx very interesting DIRECTIONER :D xoxo.

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